The privacy policy of the Casa de Campo São Rafael regulates the use of website available from Casa de Campo São Rafael.
Casa de Campo São Rafael website is exclusively for personal use. No part of this website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior consent of Casa de Campo São Rafael, either for commercial or non-commercial use.
Casa de Campo São Rafael only grants a restricted license, non-exclusive and non-transferable to view or print the website’s contents, for personal, non-commercial use only. Casa de Campo São Rafael also commits to never user this website for any unlawful goals.
The user’s personal data may be used to provide important information about the website’s services. Also, with the user’s due consent, we can send commercial information about the products and services provided by Casa de Campo São Rafael. However, this personal data won’t be shared with any third parties responsible for the processing of this data without the user’s prior consent.
Casa de Campo São Rafael may hire other companies to provide services on its own behalf, such as website hosting services, e-mails, answering user’s requests about services provided, sending information about new products, services or special offers. We will only provide this companies enough data to perform the requested services . Companies will be obliged to keep all information confidential and are forbidden to use that information for any other means.
Casa de Campo São Rafael may reveal some personal data if demanded by law or if considered necessary to stay in accordance with the law, protect the user’s rights, act in emergency circumstances to protect the personal safety of its staff, users, partners and general public.
The data collected on this website may be stored in other countries other than Portugal.
In order to provide the best services to our users, our website uses cookies – small text files stored on the user’s hard drive by a website server. Casa de Campo São Rafael website may require users to accept cookies in order to provide full access to all the website’s features.
Casa de Campo São Rafael uses cookies with the following goals:
Collect users IP addresses. Cookies will identify the user and if he or she has subscribed to any service, promotion or event hosted by Casa de Campo São Rafael, the system will then be able to use the stored information. The goal is to make the user experience more personal, making the use of our services easier.
To make statistical analysis which will allow us to calculate the number of visits and its growth
Collect information about page views, so that we can avoid repeating information.
Users can always limit or restrict cookies through their browser settings.
Casa de Campo São Rafael is fully committed to protect the security of user personal data. We use technologies and security procedures meant to protect user data against any unauthorized access, usage or disclosure.
Casa de Campo São Rafael does not sponsor any of the websites for which we provide links and neither is sponsored by any websites that may contain links to ours. Casa de Campo São Rafael will not be held liable for the content of those websites. Moreover, being the internet a worldwide network of computers, any information sent of transmitted by the users will be resent by third parties’ computers.
Casa de Campo São Rafael is not liable for any security flaws and won’t take any responsibly for unlawful use of its information by third parties. The user, however, will be held liable for the content of the information sent or transmitted to Casa de Campo São Rafael website.
Casa de Campo São Rafael acknowledges that the access and use of its website may be interrupted and that the information on the website may have bugs, errors, technical failures, problems or other limitations and that the access to the website may not be possible . Within what is permitted by law, Casa de Campo São Rafael declines any liability, direct or indirect for the use of its website.